Awareness Matters…
This scientifically developed and proven method engages your interest and your brain’s ability to learn through movement, sensation, thinking and imagination. We use novel movements, given through either touch or verbal direction, to draw your attention to better understand what you do, and then how to improve upon that. The Feldenkrais Method® is commonly applied in the arts and science fields of performing arts, neurology, physical rehabilitation, psychology and sports.
- “Feldenkrais is now a necessary part of my life; not only helpful, it is necessary for me to be at my best. I feel lucky that Samantha Basford is here in Cleveland. She is a great teacher and understands fully the benefits of this practice for artists. “- Marisela Sager (Assistant Principal Flutist, The Cleveland Orchestra)
- “Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ method will be of great benefit to all of humanity. From my own experience I know the remarkable results achieved.”- David Ben Gurion (Former First Prime Minister of Israel)
- "Feldenkrais is a process. What is interesting is not the final product, but how someone reaches his/her goal. The way, the pathway to the destination is interesting. The way of doing so makes all the difference."- Bruria Milo (Feldenkrais Practicioner)