This is so important for all of us:
“For some people who begin mindfulness training, it’s the first time in their life where they realize that a thought or emotion is not their only reality, that they have the ability to stay focused on something else, for instance their breathing, and let that emotion or thought just pass by.”
And taking 10 minutes, 12 minutes a day to slow down, you’re not telling me you really don’t have the time do that?:
“We found that getting as little as 12 minutes of meditation practice a day helped the Marines to keep their attention and working memory — that is, the added ability to pay attention over time — stable,”
Depending on how one practices mindfulness, one’s teacher, what this particular study was looking for and their biases, etc:
“We know that being mindful is really good for a lot of explicit cognitive functions. But it might not be so useful when you want to form new habits.”
The language slipped back into separation between body and mind- cognitive function as though not related to the person. There are more blurred lines, more complexity than this particular scientist would care to admit. It’s a common casualty in looking at one part in particular. Words parsing less than the intended or actual expression.
So, how do we look at being mindful in Feldenkrais? We move, we create space for new thoughts, we do variations, we exaggerate what is already done and more. Recognizing + comprehension + application = NEW HABITS. Some of the article is not just missing parts of the full picture, but misrepresenting what is possible. It’s not just “in the brain” but the application of observation, of creating from what has been recognized, the “how” (scientific) vs. the “what” (explanation- not understanding.) In Feldenkrais we understand this as directly applicable to having alternatives, to changing our actions, which is based in movement. But yes, we can be specific in the complexity:
“..enhanced the integrity and efficiency of the brain’s white matter, the tissue that connects and protects neurons emanating from the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of particular importance for rational decision-making and effortful problem-solving.”
But that is not all. From another study:
“..found that having participants spend a brief period of time on an undemanding task that maximizes mind wandering improved their subsequent performance on a test of creativity.”
What is an “AHA!”, other than a culmination of all that has come before, organizing together in a different way to create something new. But go ahead read the article for yourself and I look forward to discussing it together.
Breathing In vs. Spacing Out –