Daily Archives January 2, 2012

Jan 02, 2012 | Post by: admin No Comments

The artistic gene- article from Scientific America

The Unleashed Mind: Why Creative People Are Eccentric Highly creative people often seem weirder than the rest of us. Now researchers know why… ..The latest findings in brain imaging, creativity research and molecular biology suggest that these perceptions are not just based on a few anecdotal accounts of “weird” scientists and artists.

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Jan 02, 2012 | Post by: admin No Comments

American Music Abroad deadline ensuing

Musicians interested in being a cultural music ambassador for America? American Music Abroad, is a program that the Association of American Voices is proud to administer on behalf of the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.  The program is designed to communicate America’s rich musical contributions to

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Jan 02, 2012 | Post by: admin No Comments

Oberlin Schedule Winter/Spring 2012

Thursdays in Oberlin  Awareness Through Movement group lessons Beginning February 9th continuing 2 six week series   5-6pm Series A- February 9, 16, 23, March 8,15, 22  Series B- April 5, 19, 26, May 3, 10, 17 $90 for one series, $144 for 2 series, Drop-ins $18. Students- Special half

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Jan 02, 2012 | Post by: admin 1 Comments

Cleveland Trombone Seminar 2012

Calling all trombonists!  I will be participating in this upcoming seminar.  Please contact Shachar Israel or use the information below if you are interested. The Cleveland Trombone Seminar (clevelandtromboneseminar.org) will take place at Cleveland State University every summer starting this coming June (June 10-16, 2012). The seminar is geared toward undergraduate and

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Jan 02, 2012 | Post by: admin No Comments

Recommended Readings/CD’s

"I've got a slew of resolutions for 2012, but my main goal is to read more this year. To that end, I am turning to my most well-read friends for recommendations on books. I welcome suggestions of every genre and length." N.A.

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